The VeeEzy sheep conveyor handler has many uses for husbandry and other operations

Sheep are gently immobilized and restrained, they can be inverted while at the same time transferred to and from the work area. Suitable for handling all sizes of grown sheep including rams for horn cutting, foot trimming drenching, back-lining, blood sampling, biological wool harvesting etc


conveyor system sheep handler



Two hydraulic motors each drive a flat belt, are angled toward each other forming a “V”. An adjustable width gap with no obstructions remains between the belts. Power to the motors is supplied by a hydraulic pump driven by either electric or petrol Honda motor through hydraulic hoses with quick release couplings. Direction, stop and start of the driven belts is controlled by a treadle bar which runs the full length of the machine, one each side. Two standard lengths are available, 1.2 metres and 3.5 metres in length. The short conveyors can be joined end to end to create a multi-stage split work line and is powered by one hydraulic unit. Each unit is fitted with small retractable wheels and handles at one end to allow easy movement over a firm surface by one person


The belts require tensioning from time to time by a simple adjustment of the rollers at one end. The hydraulic oil reservoir has a level and temperature indicator should topping up be required. An oil filter cartridge can be replaced from outside the tank. Bearings are sealed and do not require servicing