The Peakhandler air rotate is a multi-purpose machine designed for easy restraint and handling of sheep. Air-powered, automatic turnover crate action requires little physical effort.

The machine is suitable for merinos, crossbreeds, prime lambs and rams. The Peakhandler has been designed and built for use by graziers or contractors and can be operated easily by an inexperienced person.

The use of curved and tubular materials in contact areas and the ability to regulate the pressure applied to each sheep’s body results in minimal stress and discomfort for the animals during processing.

sheep handler crutching Full crutch belly shearing handler Shearing sheep table upright

Many operations can be performed quickly and easily including:

  • Full or bunghole crutch
  • Dagging
  • Wigging
  • Ringing
  • Drenching
  • Capsule insertion
  • Ear tagging
  • Foot trimming
  • Foot paring and inspection
  • Pizzle wethers

Air-powered rotation presents a fresh sheep and disposes of the processed sheep automatically, always leaving two sheep in the machine. With the sheep held inverted, a full crutch can be performed without any back-bending at all.


When crutching, an experienced operator can process 2-3 sheep per minute with a helper to keep up the supply of sheep. Sheep interchange time can be as fast as 1-2 seconds, depending on the type of sheep.


Adjustable pressure, working height, cradle, and gates allow for the effortless processing of a wide variety of sheep.


All components are durable and long-wearing. The air system requires no lubrication, filtering or servicing. Storage undercover is desirable to extend the life of the machine.


The Peakhandler will fit in a 6’ x 4’ box trailer or can be easily loaded into a Ute or tray back. 6” rubber wheels are attached with fold-down handles for easy movement on a firm surface. Operations can be carried out in the woolshed, permanent, and mobile yards in remote locations or on purpose-built trailers for larger or contract operations. Wheels and a drawbar can be added for extra mobility.


It is user-friendly and safe, eliminating bending, dragging, lifting, and pulling. Leg restraints and proper restraining techniques also eliminate the risk of being kicked or injured by an unrestrained animal.